Dear HEN Members and Supporters, We hope you are all still managing to stay safe, happy and busy during COVID19 and all the trials that a pandemic brings! Hawkesbury Environment Network will be celebrating our 10th anniversary Saturday 24th October. We would love all current and past members and volunteers to join us. We hope to hold our AGM and Anniversary event at Earthcare Centre, UWS Richmond on that day with the theme “Self-Sufficiency in Isolation”. COVID rules state that sixteen people are permitted to be in the building for a meeting, so we hope to be able to have a webcast running as well. This should give our members the opportunity to join in without being present in person. Council is allowing people back to do volunteer work in the Hawkesbury as of last week, so some HEN members and others have attended the COVID and general WHS reminder training in person or via Zoom. If you would like to know more about this training, contact Our watering stations for wildlife project is on hold at the moment and the components are stored at the Community Nursery. We should be able to get on with construction of these soon, I hope. Volunteers will be welcome to help. Don’t forget HEN now has an easy-to-see donate button on our website where you can make a contribution to all our work. HEN has been able to resume work recently at Pughs Lagoon on our Commonwealth Government grant from the Communities Environment Program. The project is “Valuing Our Wetlands – Smith Park Pughs Lagoon”. HEN is working in collaboration with Hawkesbury City Council, Ecotune (a small local bush regeneration company) and the Wetlands Working Group to achieve the outcomes for this grant. Please contact me at if you would like to be a volunteer on this project – weeding and planting new trees and grasses. HEN is continuing to support Koalas in 2020, working to raise awareness of the vital need for habitat protection of this iconic species which has been so devastated by fires this summer all across Australia. HEN continues to monitor progress on the Richmond Bridge duplication, the proposed raising of the Warragamba Dam wall, sand mining in and around the river, and PFAS contamination. Please visit our website (below) and look at HEN Facebook where many events show up. Keep in touch and encourage your friends to join up and be part of our campaigns! Remember to renew your membership each year and please attend our AGM either in person or via the webcast. Email me if you would like to attend – we will need your details to zoom you in. |