How is the knowledge and works on our local wetlands progressing?

The map of Bushells Lagoon here shows (orange spots) where HEN and Green Army stages 1-3 began some on-ground works in 2015-2016, which now gives us much more clarity about what to undertake next. We have treated weeds, fenced, planted reeds, trees and shrubs; and learnt a lot..plant ID, bird ID, water tests, carpwatch, assessing damage to banks and how to protect them from erosion…there is much more to learn however!! It was a collaborative operation with WSU, TAFE, Council and Hawkesbury River County Council, as well as Local Land Services and several research students. A new youth team calling themselves Wetland Warriors was formed by the young GA team: despite calls on their time to study or find a job, they have inspired landholders to work together on more wetland protection.Plans are now on the way for workdays to be held at selected sites to continue bank protection and restoration. This is intended to encourage locals around the wetland to give some of their time to develop a more stable, biodiverse and resilient riparian edge (against wave and carp action) by initially scoping the site and seeing some indicators of issues eg depth, turbidity, exposure, lack of plant roots, lack of woody debris etc; then undertaking planting of selected reeds, shrubs and trees on the day. The two photos taken before and after restoration works shows what can be done by simple means. Please get in touch with HEN Project Co-ordinator for more information about being involved.